Friday, September 14, 2007

Best Financial Blogs and Sites

A key point that I want to stress is that the Main Stream Media (MSM) is almost completely clueless and incompetent when it comes to warning the public of investing trends. I certainly read the MSM investing sites/blogs etc. but I get most of my "news" from Alternative Media blogs.

I would like this blog to be the place for intelligent people, who don't have time to follow all of these alternative blogs, to learn what is going on. Many of the Alternative Media blogs are written for people who are at a more advanced level or are in the financial industry. I will do my best to summarize what is being said as well as bring to light the most important information available.

I do want my readers to know what I'm reading as there are a lot of blogs that are not worth reading. Here's a short list of influential blogs and sites:


The Big Picture

Calculated Risk

This is a must read on the housing/mortgage crisis.


Eric Janszen runs this site and he made a great call in 2000 that the Nasdaq would fall. He also made a great call on gold in ~2002. His site is a must read on the housing/mortgage crisis as well as the investment front.

John Hussman

John's weekly letters are a must read. One of his funds is way ahead of the S&P 500 since 2000.

Nouriel Roubini

Roubini currently has a very negative view on the economy and the markets. Many of his predictions are starting to happen. Hopefully he is not completely right.

Jeff Saut

Many insiders read and quote Jeff Saut


The Kirk Report

This blog is mainly about trading but Charles Kirk also posts great links to articles on investing.


Alpha Trends

Alpha Trends is great for what is happening day to day in the various indexes (S&P 500 etc.) and also gives ideas on which way a selection of individual stocks might go. He is very accurate.

Slope of Hope with Tim Knight

Tim likes to bet against stocks (shorting or going short) and his blog is great to learn about this process. Don't limit your reading to when the market is down as that's not the time to go short.

The Kirk Report

The Market Speculator (a technical trader)

bzbtrader (a technical trader)

I list these trading sites mostly as reference material. If you don't have time to really learn how to trade don't bother. One way to look at these blogs is that these people are your competition in the market and they are very good.

There are many more sites and blogs in my list but these are some of the very best to watch. I'll mention others as I go along.

Disclaimer: This blog is not a substitute for an investment adviser and is not to be taken as investment advice. You are fully responsible for your investment decisions. Please find a qualified investment adviser.


Sam said...

Zen, I looked for other investment oriented blogs and found yours. I like that you have a purpose with your blog and this list is going to be helpful for people. I am thinking about canceling my cable tv subscription in favor of just consuming internet delivered content. What do you think?

zen investor said...

Hi Sam (or sam?),

Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm glad you like it.

The thing about cable that I don't like is paying for so much crap content. Sometimes there will something worth watching but you could get that from free broadcast tv.

The blogs are way ahead of the main stream media.

Again thanks for looking. I want to build readership! I feel that I can make this blog unique and boil down issues for people.


zen investor said...


I'm wondering how you found this blog .
